PLANNING FOR NOVEMBER: Plan with me- November Bullet Journal Setup
by MyLifeinaBullet (channel on Youtube)
So this video is not mine, so obviously this planner is not mine, but I found this video on Youtube, and I love to watch planners and schedulers, I love to see how other  people plan their day to day life so I can get inspired for my life and business.
I have to say I used this system- the bullet type- few months ago and I changed with a different system that I came up with (of course inspired by what other people use for their planning) and that it works a little better for me (and I will make a blog post and video about it), but I also liked the bullet system.  I have to say that in my opinion the bullet system was faster- I mean it takes less time when  planning, and it gives you more flexibility, so it is a great system to use!
