How to get organized for Entrepreneurs- Organize your Home and Business

This video was published at the beginning of 2018, as a New Year- New Start in Organizing our life, so the question is: why now and why here, on this blog that is dedicated for entrepreneurs, self-employed, work from home entrepreneurs. First of all, let me just say that one of the first things we need to be able to function well as self-employed and not be very overwhelmed and underproductive, is an organized life in general, and, in the same time, an organized business.
If we struggle with too many tasks to do, not enough time, procrastination, distraction from the important tasks, maybe the source of all this is at the roots of the way our life functions, maybe we are not clear in our goals, in where we want to go, so overall, we might need to try to get our life organized in general, get clear on our goals and expectations for ourselves, and than we can do all this with our business as well, and then we'll see a big improvement in our life and business. 

by Samantha Hauger (Youtube Channel)
