10 Highest Paying Work from Home Jobs for 2018
by Hayley Paige (Youtube Channel)
This is one of the subjects people are looking for a lot, particularly on Youtube.  They want to find out what they can do to make extra income from home, or just working from home full time and quit their job.
Let's face it: in today's world, when people are so busy with their day to day life and work, commuting for 2, or 3, or in some places even 4-6 hours/ week is a lot of time that we spend, time that can be very useful for other very important tasks in our life. So if working from home would be a great answer to this problem. This video is bringing to you 10 ways that you can be working online to make money.
I do believe that the title is not very accurate, as she is not talking about real jobs/ working for a company with hourly pay and benefits- type of jobs, but rather self-employed, freelancer, finding your clients type of work.  And I do not think these "jobs" that she's talking about here are the highest paid (there are others where you can make much more), but they are in demand, therefore easier to find and get.
